Hi, I’m Astrid.

I am fascinated by how sound can help us tune into ourselves. My experience as a mantra meditation teacher, yoga facilitator and sound facilitator has given me insights into the profound effect of sound and movement on our sense of peace and tranquility.

Are you in need of a new outlook on life? Or maybe some deep relaxation to help you find peace of mind?

I offer a range of classes and sound journeys to help you take a break from the hustle and bustle of life and truly immerse yourself in sonic wellbeing.

Find a deep sense of calm within

My services include:

Singing Circles

Sing your heart out and savour the vibrations of your own voice as we sing together and chant mantras. This is a beautiful opportunity to connect with your inner world and others.

Online Mantra chanting classes

Online Classes

(coming soon) With a special focus on voice meditation and sound relaxation our online courses offer tools easily use at home or on the road for deepening your understanding of the magic power of sound medicine.

Sound Journeys

Listen with your full body to the present moment as I bring you into a deep relaxed space with the help of ancient techniques of Sound Yoga in group or in a private session.